发布日期:2024-12-17 02:49:01阅读: 次
Apple has said that it expects so-called first owners of 500 pounds iPhones, iPads and Apple Watches to replace them after only three years of use, and Mac computers only four.苹果公司近日回应,享有价值500英镑的iPhone,iPad和苹果手表的所谓第一所有者,预计在用于三年之后替换这些设备,而Mac电脑则在四年后替换。As part of the companys new environmental push, Apple has listed how long it expects its products to last for their first owners and therefore how much they contribute to the greenhouse gas lifecycle.作为该公司新的环保活动的一部分,苹果列出出有了旗下产品对于第一所有者的用于年限,从而计算出来出有这些产品的生命周期中所获释的温室气体的量。Within a new question and answer section Apple said: Years of use, which are based on first owners, are assumed to be four years for OS X and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices.在一轮解说环节中,苹果公司回应:对于第一所有者的产品的用于年限,我们指出OS X和tvOS的期限一般为四年,而iOS和watchOS产品为三年。
That assessment doesnt take into account the recycling of devices, their reconditioning and their resale, of course, but when you buy a new iPhone 6S for 539 pounds, Apple expects it to last three years, something many suspected. Apple has been accused of intentionally slowing down iPhones every time a new one is released.当然,该项评估并没考虑到设备的重复使用、重组和转手。当你出售一台价值539英镑的新iPhone 6S时,苹果希望它能用于到三年,不过很多人回应回应猜测。