发布日期:2024-12-05 02:49:02阅读: 次
The European Commission has stepped up pressure on Google, alleging that it abused its dominance in internet shopping and restricted competition. It also accused Google of stopping websites from showing adverts from the search engines competitors.日前,欧洲委员会更进一步向谷歌公司施加压力,指控其欺诈在互联网购物领域的优势地位,并容许竞争对手开展业务。该委员会还谴责谷歌公司在网站上屏蔽其搜索引擎竞争对手的广告。And it strengthened an existing charge that Google favours its own comparison shopping services in search results.此外,欧委会还增大了现存指控的力度,称之为谷歌在搜寻结果中总是优先表明经过检验的购物商。EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said Google had no right to limit its rivals.欧盟竞争委员会的玛格丽特·韦斯塔格回应,谷歌公司没任何权力妨碍其竞争对手开展业务。
She said: Google has come up with many innovative products that have made a difference to our lives. But that doesnt give Google the right to deny other companies the chance to compete and innovate.她回应:“谷歌公司带给了许多富裕创新的产品,转变了人们的生活。然而这并不意味著谷歌具备褫夺其他公司展开竞争和创意的权力。
”Google is already facing formal anti-trust charges. The US company is accused of placing onerous requirements on firms using Android and stifling competition.谷歌现在早已面对月的反垄断指控。这家美国公司被指控称之为对用于安卓操作系统的公司明确提出了严苛的拒绝,并且诱导竞争不道德。A spokesperson for Google said: We believe that our innovations and product improvements have increased choice for European consumers and promote competition. Well examine the Commissions renewed cases and provide a detailed response in the coming weeks.谷歌公司的一位发言人回应:“我们坚信公司的创意和产品品质的提高为欧洲的消费者获取了更好自由选择,并增进了竞争。