发布日期:2025-01-01 02:49:03阅读: 次
U.S. tech giant Apple removed around 58,000 Chinese apps from the companys official app store between June 10 and 21, 33.5 percent of which were gaming apps.6月10日至21日,美国科技巨头苹果公司从其官方app商城上下架了大约58000款中国app,其中33.5%为棋牌类app。According to Thepaper.cn, ASO 100, a Beijing-based data analysis platform, detected the anomaly in the Chinese version of the Apple app store in the past two weeks.据新华网报导,北京数据分析平台ASO 100过去两周检测到苹果app商城中国版本出现异常。On June 15, 22,000 apps were removed, a number that is six to 10 times greater than Apples daily removal quota.6月15日,22000款app被下架,这一数字比苹果每日下架配额的6至10倍还要多。ASO 100 suggested that such a large-scale removal means Apple is cleaning up and regulating the Chinese app market on its iOS system.ASO 100似乎,如此大规模的下架意味著苹果正在清扫和规范其iOS系统内的中国app市场。
Users and experts expressed their discontent, noting that the mass removal of apps might be a counterattack by Apple on its Chinese counterpart Tencent; Tencent owns WeChat, whose cash rewards feature was blocked on the iOS platform in April.用户和专家回应传达了反感,他们认为,大规模下架app有可能是苹果对中国腾讯的一次反攻;腾讯有微信,其打赏功能月底4月份在iOS平台上被重开。According to ASO 100, Apples move didnt intentionally target the Chinese apps tip service. Instead, the overhaul was reportedly intended to merely get rid of bad-quality apps, as well as those that violated regulations.但据ASO 100回应,苹果下架app并非故意针对中国app的打赏服务。忽略,此次检查意味着是为了回避低质量和违规的app。ASO 100 pointed out that Apple routinely removes a selection of apps every two or three months, so its not advisable to read too much into this incident.ASO 100认为,苹果一般每两至三个月下架顺位的app,因此对此事做到过多理解是不慎重的。