发布日期:2025-01-17 02:49:02阅读: 次
Chinese smartphone users are taking to mobile ecommerce more quickly than they were expected to, creating a boom for mobile internet companies, writes Charles Clover.中国的智能手机用户拒绝接受移动末端电子商务的速度比预期得更慢,使移动互联网公司获得了较慢发展。Alibaba, one of the biggest beneficiaries, said on Wednesday that its mobile revenues had climbed 10-fold in the three months to June 30 – from Rmb240m in the second quarter of 2013 to Rmb2.4bn ($391m).仅次于的受益者之一阿里巴巴(Alibaba)周三回应,截至6月30日的3个月内,其移动末端收益快速增长了9倍,从2013年第二季度的2.4亿元人民币减至24亿元人民币(合3.91亿美元)。
Almost 500m of Chinese internet users say they have accessed the internet using smartphones, which are very cheap in China, some costing as low as $70. Experts say this figure is destined to rise rapidly as China has 900m mobile phone users, many of whom still have not entered the 3G or 4G era.中国有完全5亿网民称之为自己用智能手机网际网路。智能手机在中国十分低廉,有些机型的价格低至70美元。
专家称之为,中国有9亿手机用户,其中许多人还没步入3G或4G时代,用智能手机网际网路的人数预见不会较慢下降。Overall, mobile internet revenues in China doubled year on year in the second quarter of 2014, from Rmb21bn to Rmb44bn, according to a study published by iResearch, a Beijing-based internet consultancy. It said that half of the Rmb44bn was from mobile shopping.根据坐落于北京的互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询集团(iResearch)公布的研究报告,总体上,中国2014年第二季度的移动互联网收益同比快速增长了1倍,从210亿元人民币减至440亿元人民币。报告称之为,440亿元人民币的收益的一半来自移动末端网购。
Wang Xiaoxin, a mobile ecommerce expert at Analysys EnfoDesk, said the rapid growth is a sign of the market’s growing maturity. Online retailers are targeting its “immense potential”. He said discounts and promotional activities are drawing in more consumers.易观智库(Analysys EnfoDesk)的移动电子商务专家王小星回应,快速增长是市场日益成熟期的展现出。在线零售商于是以射击这个市场的“极大潜力”。他说道,优惠和广告宣传活动更有了更好消费者。
Alibaba declined to comment, but has said it expects “mobile monetisation rates will continue to approach the rates we realise on our personal computer interfaces”.阿里巴巴拒绝接受置评,但回应其预计“移动商业化比率(学术著作:移动营收占到总成交额的比例)将持续相似我们在个人电脑界面上构建的比率”。