发布日期:2025-01-20 02:49:02阅读: 次
ZTE, the Chinese mobile device maker, will begin selling smart watches next quarter, signalling that the nascent market for wearable connected devices is already becoming crowded with cheaper alternatives.中国移动设备制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)下季度将开始销售智能手表。这件事指出,一些更加廉价的产品已开始涌进新兴的可穿着联网设备市场。Prices for such wearable technology are forecast by analysts to fall quickly. CCS Insight forecast that growth in the segment “will spike when smartwatch prices drop to significantly lower levels than today”. Sales of small Android devices will exceed 100m by 2015 after initial sluggish demand, it forecasts.分析师预计,这类可穿着技术的价格将较慢上升。CCS Insight预测,“当智能手表价格较今日明显减少时”,该领域“将构建快速增长快速增长”。
该机构预计,经历了最初的市场需求低迷之后,小型Android设备的销量到2015年时将多达1亿个。He Shiyou, executive vice-president and head of the handset business of Shenzhen-based ZTE, told the Financial Times that the company wanted to make the jump out of the “second tier” of smartphone makers into the top three manufacturers.中兴的总部坐落于深圳,该公司继续执行副总裁兼手机业务主管何士友告诉他英国《金融时报》称之为,公司期望跑出智能手机制造商的“第二梯队”,沦为名列前三的厂商。ZTE was either fourth or fifth in the rankings at present, he said, among the group of manufacturers all accounting for about 5 per cent each of market share.他说道,目前中兴在智能手机制造商中名列第四或第五。
As part of plans for next year, ZTE is investing in the research and development of so-called “wearable” technology, including smart watches and glasses.作为明年计划的一部分,中兴正在投资所谓的“可穿着”技术的研发,还包括智能手表和智能眼镜。“ZTE wearable smart watches will be launched as early as the first quarter,” said Mr He. He added that other wearable technology, such as connected glasses, would take longer to develop.何士友说道:“中兴最先将于明年一季度公布可穿着智能手表”。他补足回应,还包括联网眼镜在内的其他可穿着技术的研发将必须更加长时间。
Wearable technology is predicted by analysts to follow a similar path as tablet computers, which have rapidly become a commodity product given the stream of cheap and largely indistinguishable Android-based devices.分析师预测,可穿着技术的发展道路将与平板电脑类似于。由于大量廉价和基本上没什么区别的Android设备兴起出来,平板电脑已很快沦为一种大众化产品。
Mr He said ZTE was considering making corporate acquisitions or mergers to grow market share in a smartphone market that he described as “fiercely competitive”. He declined to name specific targets and added that any deal would need to be complementary.何士友回应,中兴在考虑到通过企业收购来不断扩大在智能手机市场的份额。他指出,该市场“竞争很白热化”。何士友不愿透漏明确的收购目标,并补足说道,任何交易都须要是互补性的。